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Knight of Columbus Council 11772 is a charity organization that puts faith and service at the heart of its mission. We offer a wide range of services to our members, ranging from spiritual support to assistance in times of need.

Our goal is to foster a sense of brotherhood and unity among our members, and to be a source of support and hope for all. Offering prayer requests, allowing our members to submit prayer requests for their family and friends.

Prayer List

SJV January--2024—Prayer Request --Let us offer prayers for our Brothers, Family, and Friends


*Sandy Pedrotte—wife of Don Pedrotte

*Kevin Powers—son-in-law of PGK Bob Valcke

*Jackie Rys—Brother Knight

*Kristen Ruehlen—daughter-in-law of Deacon Larry Ruehlen

*Jamie Celestini—friend of John Nichol

*Deacon Larry Ruehlen—brother Knight

*Michele Nicol—wife of brother Knight John Nicol

*John Vanek—brother Knight

*Marie Grabowski—wife of Exec.State Sec. Larry Grabowski

*Denise Korziewski—sister of Danny Champine

*Earl Brown –brother Knight

*Herb Giese—brother Knight

*David Kwasny—brother Knight

*Anthony Vissochi—brother Knight

*Chris Pietras—brother Knight

*Orlando Visocchi--brother Knight

*Gary Starski—brother Knight

*Tony Daguanno—relative of brotherKnight Vince Garofalo

*Bob Rabine—son in law of brother Knight Phil Dillard

*Marc Ayotte—brother Knight

*Renee Bates—Wife of PGK Gary Bates

*Violet Candela—Friend of Grand Knight Mark Ferri

*Donna Dillard—Wife of brother Knight Phil Dillard

Deceased Individuals    


 Thomas Premier—Brother Knight 01/24

*****Contact Gary for any changes you want made at*****

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