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St. John Vianney Knights of Columbus, Council 11772 History

Council 11772 Charter

"Twenty Six Years of service to the St. John Vianney Catholic Community".  St. John Vianney Knights of Columbus Council 11772 was chartered in May 1996.  Phil Tetreault was the driving force in the formation of the Council.  Phil was active in another Council prior to coming to St. John Vianney and saw the need for a Council in the growing parish.  The Council was chartered with a membership of 51 men.  Through the following years, the Council has provided support to the parish in multiple construction and renovation projects, raised and distributed funds for the mentally impaired community, financially and prayerfully supported seminarians as they prepare for the priesthood and shared a brotherly fraternity among the members and their families growing in faith and friendship.  Our current membership is 200 men and we continue to look for additional candidates to join our ranks and carry on our principles of charity, unity and fraternity in the parish and the community.

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